Ohio: Kari Gunter-Seymour

Kari Gunter-Seymour has served as the Ohio Poet Laureate since 2020.

To No One in Particular  

I am never happy to see summer go,
earth stripped of its finest voice.
I am sitting outside in my heavy coat,
porch light off. There is a full on moon,
no ambient distractions, the sky a Zion.

I take solace in considering the age
of this valley, the way water
left its mark on Appalachia,
long before Peabody sunk a shaft,
Chevron augured the shale or ODOT
dynamited roadways through steep rock.

I grew up in a house where canned
fruit cocktail was considered a treat.
My sister and I fought over who got
to eat the fake cherries, standouts in the can,
though tasting exactly like every other
tired piece of fruit floating in the heavy syrup.

But it was store-bought, like city folks
and we were too gullible to understand
the corruption in the concept, our mother’s
home-canned harvests superior in every way.
I cringe when I think of how we shamed her.

So much here depends upon
a green corn stalk, a patched barn roof,
weather, the Lord, community.
We’ve rarely been offered a hand
that didn’t destroy.

Inside the house the lightbulb comes on
when the refrigerator door is opened.
My husband rummages a snack,
plops beside me on the porch to wolf it down,
turns, plants a kiss, leans back in his chair,
says to no one in particular,
A person could spend a lifetime
under a sky such as this
Stands, bows, offers his hand—sings 
(sing Buffalo Gal)

Courtesy of Kari Gunter-Seymour

Featured Music:

"Wood and Wire" | Roy Edmund Williams | Courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
"Arabesque" | Trevor Kowalski | Courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
"Sun Bathing" | Will Harrison | Courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com